Profile PictureJason Pelker

Roadmapping Session

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Roadmapping Session

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Web marketing projects are risky, and more often than not, they fail. A good plan minimizes risks, but it requires intimate knowledge of your business and your goals—something we can't gather in a preliminary sales call.

The roadmapping session takes about two hours. In those two hours, I’ll ask a series of questions to dig deeper and look for & evaluate risks. I'll also begin proposing solutions and quick wins that will help you move towards your goals.

Once I'm done collecting and processing information, I'll give you a detailed, personalized report and plan that either: a) I can help you implement, b) you can handle internally or c) you give to another team.

What you do with the plan is always your decision, but you'll have a very good idea of what your company's best chance for marketing success is. You'll also know approximately how much this campaign will cost vs. how much it’ll recoup.

Besides that, roadmapping can be a good test to see whether we work well together before either one of us makes a larger commitment.

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